IEMLIB release 1.09 these externals are written for pd-version 0.32patch1 how to install iemlib: 1.) download package in your pd-directory; 2.) unzip package; 3.) exchange, copy help-file and dll's; 4.) add library-pathes to the resource-file; the directories are examples for: 'my-local-pd-directory' == D:\user\me\pd 'my-main-pd-directory' == C:\program\pd 1.) dowload into your D:\user\me\pd 2.) unzip (winzip32) 3.) go to directory: C:\program\pd\bin (e.g.) rename: pd.tk_original copy from: D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\source\ to C:\program\pd\bin\ (e.g.) (this is for the new iem-gui-properties) copy from: D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\help to: C:\program\pd\doc\5.reference\iemhelp (this is for external-help) copy from: D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\lib\iemlib1.dll to: C:\program\pd\bin\iemlib1.dll (e.g.) copy from: D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\lib\iemgui.dll to: C:\program\pd\bin\iemgui.dll (new dlls) 4.) add to your startup-script: -lib D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\lib\iemgui -lib D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\lib\iemlib1 -path D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\abs **************************************************************************************** contents of iemlib: D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\help : help-files D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\abs : abstractions (subpatches) D:\user\me\pd\iemlib\lib : (*.dll) short description of the externals and abstractions of iemlib: iemgui-library-externals:--------------------------------------------------------------- bng: gui-bang, generate a -message, or display any message-events; hsl: = hslider: gui-horicontal-slider, generate or display -messages; rdb: = radiobut: gui-radio-button, only one button is activated; tgl: = toggle: gui-toggle, generate or display 2 -message-states: 0 or 1 (not equal 0); vsl: = vslider: gui-vertical-slider, generate or display -messages; vu: gui-vu-meter, display the 2 incoming -messages as rms- and peak-level; if you have exchanged your, you can change all iem-gui-object-parameters with properties-mouse-click. iemlib1-library-externals:------------------------------------------------------------------------ db2v: dB to value converter; f2note: frequency to [midi + note + cents]-converter; for++: increment- or decrement-counter; gate: like spigot, interrupt or continue a stream of messages; FIR~: FIR-filter, coresponding with an array-object (coefficients); filter~: multiple object for all useful IIR-filters 1. and 2. order; like lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop, allpass, etc; hml_shelf~: high-mid-low-shelving-filter; mov_avrg_kern~: moving average-filter-kernel; para_pb2~: parametrical bandpass; prvu~: peak- and rms-vu-meter; pvu~: peak-vu-meter; split: like moses, part a stream of floats; v2db: value to dB converter; iemlib-abstractions(subpatches):----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1p1z: -message-filter; addl~: signal-addition with interpolating argument; ap1~: signal allpass 1.order; ap2~: signal allpass 2.order; bpq2~: signal bandpass 2.order with Q; pbw2~: signal bandpass 2.order with bandwidth; bsq2~: signal bandstop 2.order with Q; bsw2~: signal bandstop 2.order with bandwidth; clip3: -message clip within boundaries; default: -message replace zero-value-input; divl~: signal-division with interpolating argument; dsp: = dsp~: turn dsp ON/OFF, measure dsp-performance; gainvu~: gain + vu-meter; gui-menu: patch with 6 gui-objects (bng, tgl, hsl, vsl, rdb, vu); hp10_butt~: signal highpass 10.order with butterworth-characteristic; hp10_cheb~: signal highpass 10.order with chebyshev-characteristic; hp1c~: signal highpass 1.order for filter-cascades; hp1~: signal highpass 1.order; hp2c~: signal highpass 2.order for filter-cascades; hp2~: signal highpass 2.order; hp4_butt~: signal highpass 4.order with butterworth-characteristic; hp4_cheb~: signal highpass 4.order with chebyshev-characteristic; hp6_butt~: signal highpass 6.order with butterworth-characteristic; hp6_cheb~: signal highpass 6.order with chebyshev-characteristic; hp8_butt~: signal highpass 8.order with butterworth-characteristic; hp8_cheb~: signal highpass 8.order with chebyshev-characteristic; init: initialize by loadbang a -message; lp10_butt~: signal lowpass 10.order with butterworth-characteristic; lp10_cheb~: signal lowpass 10.order with chebyshev-characteristic; lp1c~: signal lowpass 1.order for filter-cascades; lp1~: signal lowpass 1.order; lp2c~: signal lowpass 2.order for filter-cascades; lp2~: signal lowpass 2.order; lp4_butt~: signal lowpass 4.order with butterworth-characteristic; lp4_cheb~: signal lowpass 4.order with chebyshev-characteristic; lp6_butt~: signal lowpass 6.order with butterworth-characteristic; lp6_cheb~: signal lowpass 6.order with chebyshev-characteristic; lp8_butt~: signal lowpass 8.order with butterworth-characteristic; lp8_cheb~: signal lowpass 8.order with chebyshev-characteristic; maverage~: moving average filter (IIR-implementation); mull~: signal-multiplication with interpolating argument; once: control-message gate; pink~: signal-pink-noise-generator; rbpq2~: signal resonance bandpass 2.order with Q; rpbw2~: signal resonance bandpass 2.order with bandwidth; split3: part -stream into 3 ways; sqrt16~: signal squareroot with 16 bit precision; subl~: signal-subtraction with interpolating argument; unsig~: signal to float converter; thomas musil IEM KUG graz austria